Power of Attorney In Indiana
Power of Attorney In Indiana

A power of attorney is an important tool in your Indiana estate plan. Estate planning typically focuses on what happens if someone passes away, however what if an individual is injured, suffers from dementia and becomes incapacitated and unable to provide for his or her care. Without a power of attorney, a family member or friend would have to seek a Guardianship to make decisions on your behalf. If the Guardianship is contested, then an appointment of Guardian may be significantly delayed and cause conflict between beneficiaries. Further, if a Guardian is appointed, that individual could possibly mishandle a person’s finances and cause issues with his or her estate plan. A power of attorney provides people not only with peace of mind but control after unpredictable events. A power of attorney allows a person to assign an agent to make decisions about finances and health care and manage those affairs should the individual become unable to do so. Further a person can put limitations on the authority granted in a power of attorney to help protect an individual’s estate plan. Conversations with an Indiana lawyer inform people about appropriate legal strategies. This information helps them draft documents that thoroughly address their circumstances and communicate their wishes.
Talk to an Indiana Lawyer for Estate Planning
At Webster & Garino, we can inform you about different kinds of powers of attorney and recommend how to achieve your estate planning goals. Our guidance can result in a thorough power of attorney that clearly sets forth your wishes. Contact us here.
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