Contract Drafting and Enforcement | Real Estate Law Lawyer in Indiana
Contract Drafting and Enforcement | Real Estate Law Lawyer in Indiana
Drafting a contract is one of the most important aspects of a real estate transactions. An improperly drafted contract can cause significant issues when a real estate transaction does not go as planned. There are many things to consider in drafting a contract to purchase, such as financing, timelines, inspections, inspections responses, contingencies, condition of the property, warranties made by the seller and the buyer, closing dates and who is responsible for attorney fees, if a party has to enforce a condition of the contract. If a contract has already been drafted, it is imperative that a person have a Carmel real estate attorney review the provisions or renegotiate portions of the contract, so the individual fully understands the terms that he or she is agreeing to before entering into a contract to purchase or lease real estate.
If you have additional questions about contract drafting and enforcement, contact a Westfield real estate attorney at Webster & Garino LLC for a complimentary case review